Change to the provider account: new feedback section

Training providerThis article sits within the Training provider section

We’ve added a new section called ‘Your feedback’ to all provider apprenticeship service accounts  ‘Your feedback’ lets you see how employers and apprentices rate their training.

You can find this new section by signing in to your apprenticeship service account and selecting ‘Your feedback’ from the dashboard.

We’ve been asking apprentices and employers to give feedback on their training for several years. Up until now, we’ve only shown this data on Find Apprenticeship Training (FAT).  This data is still available in FAT, but you can now also find your ratings within your own account.  You’ll also see a breakdown of these ratings by academic year, helping you to find areas of improvement.

How is my rating calculated?

The way ratings are calculated is not being changed.  A provider’s overall rating is an average of their rating from the last five academic years.

We email employers and apprentices and ask them to give feedback on their training. We start asking for feedback 3 months after the apprenticeship has started. 

Employers are also able to provide feedback from their apprenticeship service account.

Apprentices can provide feedback from their “My apprenticeship” account if they have confirmed their apprenticeship details.

If an employer or apprentice gives feedback more than once in a year, we use their newest feedback to calculate the training provider’s rating.

Last updated on

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