Set team member permissions

End-point assessment organisationThis article sits within the End-point assessment organisation section

If you have full access to the organisation’s apprenticeship assessment service account, you can manage invitations and set permissions. 

A member of your organisation can create an account and request access themselves. You’ll need to accept any requests and set their permissions.

Set permissions

There are different permissions set by anyone who can ‘manage users’. All members can view the dashboard, but you can choose to let them:

  • view the pipeline
  • record grades and issue certificates
  • view completed assessments
  • change organisation details
  • apply for a standard
  • manage users

You should give at least one other member full access (also known as a ‘primary user’). This means that if the primary user is on holiday or leaves the organisation, someone else can make changes.

If you set up the organisation’s account you’re a primary user. Contact us if nobody in your organisation has full access to the account.


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