Employer is seeing outstanding tasks when there are no outstanding actions to complete

Known issues for employersThis article sits within the Known issues for employers section

We are aware of some issues within the Apprenticeship Service and are working to fix them. Whilst we fix these ‘known issues’, there are workarounds that you can try to overcome them.


Tasks within the apprenticeship service are not behaving as expected. Some users will see tasks to be actioned (for example changes or new cohorts to approve, etc) but when they click on the tasks to action them, there is nothing to action.


Please be aware that your account is not affected by these notifications. We would advise checking the ‘Apprentices’ section of your Apprenticeship Service account for an accurate and reliable record of any outstanding actions.

Contact us so we can investigate further. Please ensure you provide the employer account name, email address of user affected and any screenshots of the tasks you can see and what happens when you click on them.

Last updated on

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