Check your apprentices are receiving up-to-date training
EmployerThis article sits within the Employer sectionYou can now check that your apprentices are on the latest versions of their apprenticeship standards. This ensures they receive training and assessment in line with industry requirements and your business can benefit from their up-to-date skills.
How it works
When you or your training provider add an apprentice to your apprenticeship service account, you select their apprenticeship standard.
Standards outline what an apprentice will be doing, and the skills required of them, by job role. Standards are regularly reviewed and when a change is made, they are given a new version number. You can view changes to a standard by checking the version log at the bottom of the standard's webpage.
New apprentices
Any apprentices added to your apprenticeship service account are now automatically assigned to the latest versions of their standards. In addition, if options are available, you or your training provider can now select your preferred options.
Existing apprentices
You or your training provider can now move existing apprentices onto the latest versions of their standards, in line with the funding rules. In addition, if options are available, you or your training provider can now select your preferred options.
What you need to do
To check which version of a standard an apprentice is on, or to move an existing apprentice onto the latest version, simply sign in to your apprenticeship service account and select an apprentice from the 'Manage your apprentices' section. Under ‘Apprenticeship details’ you will see the standard version listed and a link to ‘Change’.
Once you have confirmed the change, a notification will be sent to your training provider, who must review and approve the change before it can take effect.
If your apprentice is already on the latest version of their standard, is stopped or completed, the ‘Change’ link will not be visible.
You or your training provider are not able to move apprentices onto earlier versions of their apprenticeship standards.
How versions are calculated within Approvals
When you and your training provider create an approval record, you will need to specify the standard and enter a planned start date which consists of the month and year. These two fields are used to calculate which version of the standard was active at the time (based on the start date) and will automatically assign that version.
If there were two active versions of the standard in the same month, the latest version of the standard will be allocated.
Changing the version
When the approval record has been created and signed off by you and the training provider, you will both be able to see the record within the ‘Manage your apprentices’ section. You will be able to go into the ‘Manage your apprentices’ section and upgrade the apprentice to any newer versions. Once the apprentice has been upgraded, they cannot be downgraded, even to the version they were originally on.
You can upgrade the version when the apprentice status is:
- Waiting to start
- Live
- Paused
You cannot upgrade the version (or any other fields) when the apprentice status is:
- Stopped
- Completed
Neither you nor your training provider can upgrade which version an apprentice is on without the other party knowing. If you or your training provider wishes to upgrade the version of the standard, they will continue to go through the journey and request confirmation of changes by the other party.
Existing reports
Existing reports will not be updated to include versions at this time; this functionality will be introduced as part of a future enhancement.
Selecting the version
When recording a grade, you will no longer be asked to select the version for each apprentice as this data will come from Manage Apprenticeships when you and your training provider created the cohort. You will still be able to see the version the apprentice is being certified for on the ‘Check and submit assessment details’ page.
If the version data is incorrect
If the version is incorrect, the EPAO will need to agree the correct details with you or the training provider and update the apprentice’s details within Manage Apprenticeships.
Certify the learner
You will continue to manually select the Option When certifying the apprentice
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