Set training provider permissions
EmployerThis article sits within the Employer sectionThere is a similar article for training providers.
What permissions are
Permissions refer to what a training provider can do on your behalf.
There are 2 training provider permissions in the Apprenticeship service:
- Add apprentice records, which means the training provider can add details about new apprentices and reserve funding for them if needed (view information about reserving funds). Apprentice records will not be added to your account until you approve them.
- Recruit apprentices, which means the training provider can advertise apprenticeships and review applications. You can choose whether you want to approve adverts before they go live.
How to set and change permissions
You must select what permissions you want to give your training provider. You can do this yourself, or the training provider can send you a request. Training provider permissions can be changed at any time from your account.
Add provider and set permissions
Select ‘Manage training providers’ in the home page of your account. Then select ‘Add a training provider’. You can search for a provider by their name or UK provider reference number (UKPRN). Once you’ve selected the training provider you can add them and set their permissions in a single step.
You must give your training provider at least one permission but you do not need to give them both permissions - you can select either add apprentice records or recruit apprentices if this is your preference.
Changing existing permissions
You can also change permissions for training providers you already work with in the ‘Manage training providers’ page in your account. In the table showing your training providers, select the ‘Change permissions’ hyperlink. You’ll be able to select new permissions.
Permissions requests from training providers
Training providers may ask if they can send a permissions request to your account. These requests can be from training providers you already work with, or from new training providers who would like to be added to your account.
You'll receive an email when a training provider sends a new permissions request. You'll also see any pending requests in your account on your 'Manage training providers' page. You'll be able to accept or decline the requests.
Selecting yes or no
There are different permission levels for add apprentice records and recruit apprentices.
Add apprentice records
There are 2 permission levels:
- Yes, but I want final review of apprentice records
- No
If you select ‘Yes, but I want final review of apprentice records’, the training provider will be able to add details of new apprentices and reserve funds if needed. Apprentice records will not be added to your account until you approve them. You’ll be emailed when you need to approve any records and get a notification on the home page of your account.
If you select ‘No’, the training provider will not be able to add apprentice records or reserve funds.
Recruit apprentices
There are 3 permission levels:
- Yes
- Yes, but I want to review adverts before they’re advertised
- No
If you select ‘Yes’, the training provider will be able to advertise and recruit apprentices without your approval.
If you select ‘Yes, but I want to review adverts before they’re advertised’, you will always review adverts before they go live. You’ll be emailed when you need to approve any adverts.
If you select ‘No’, they will not be able to advertise and recruit on your behalf.
Reserving funds
If you are an organisation with an annual pay bill of less than £3 million (also known as a non-levy organisation), your provider can reserve funds for training your apprentices.
To allow your training provider to reserve funds on your behalf, you must select ‘Yes, but I want final review of apprentice records’ for the ‘Add apprentice records’ permission. View more information about what reserving funds means and how they work.
Each employer must take responsibility for all reservations that are linked to their account.
Last updated on