Data mismatch errors

EmployerThis article sits within the Employer section

Data mismatch errors

A data mismatch (also known as a ‘data match error’, ‘data lock’ or ‘DLOCK’) happens when the information the employer gives about their apprentices is different to the training provider’s individualised learner record (ILR).

Data mismatches only happen after the training provider submits the ILR.

What happens next

You can change the apprentice’s details, including their course information, unique learner number (ULN) or apprenticeship start date before the training provider submits an ILR that includes the apprentice. After the training provider has successfully matched an ILR to the apprentice’s details, they can only change the apprentice’s:

  • name
  • date of birth
  • planned end date

Both the employer and training provider must approve any changes that you make from a ‘change request’.

Check that the employer and the training provider both entered the correct information. Contact us if you both entered the correct information and are still receiving a mismatch.

Data lock 01

The training provider and employer used a different UK provider reference number (UKPRN).

Check that the employer has added the apprentice to their apprenticeship service account and that the training provider has approved the apprentice. If the training provider’s organisation has more than one UKPRN, check that the apprentice is using the correct UKPRN.

Data lock 02

The training provider and employer used a different unique learner number (ULN).

Check that the employer has added the apprentice to their apprenticeship service account and that the training provider has approved the apprentice. 

If this does not fix the data lock, check that the training provider has entered the right ULN for that apprentice from the learner records service.

Data lock 03

The training provider used a different standard code.

The training provider needs to check they’ve entered the correct standard code for the apprentice’s training course that’s in the employer’s apprenticeship service account. Check standard codes on the Learning Aim Reference Service.

Data lock 04

The training provider used a different framework code.

The training provider needs to check they’ve entered the correct framework code for the apprentice’s training course that’s in the employer’s apprenticeship service account. Check framework codes on the Learning Aim Reference Service.

Data lock 05

The training provider and employer used a different programme type code for the apprenticeship standard.

The training provider needs to check they’ve entered the correct programme type code for the apprentice’s training course that’s in the employer’s apprenticeship service account. Check programme type codes on the Learning Aim Reference Service.

Data lock 06

The training provider used a different pathway code for the apprenticeship framework.

The training provider needs to check they’ve entered the correct pathway code for the apprentice’s training course that’s in the employer’s apprenticeship service account. Check pathway codes on the Learning Aim Reference Service.

Data lock 07

The training provider and employer used different training and assessment costs (or ‘total negotiated price’).


What happens next

Find out which is the incorrect cost. Contact us if both costs are correct.

The employer can only change an incorrect cost in their apprenticeship service account if the training provider has not matched an ILR to the apprentice’s details yet. 

The training provider must add the new price as a new cost in the ILR after:

  • you both agree to change the training and assessment cost
  • the training provider has successfully matched an ILR to the apprentice’s details

The training provider must add the cost change as a new cost in the ILR. This means you keep the previous cost and the new one, so that we have a record of any changes.

The employer must approve any changes that the training provider makes.

Data lock 08

Contact us to fix this data lock. You’ll need the unique learner numbers (ULNs) and UK provider reference numbers (UKPRNs) for all apprentices with a data lock 08.

Data lock 09

The start date for the cost of training and assessment in the training provider’s ILR is before the start date in the apprenticeship service account.

Check that you’ve entered the correct start date in the ILR and apprenticeship service.

Contact us if the apprentice has changed their apprenticeship or started a new one. This includes if they have progressed apprenticeship levels (such as from level 2 to 3).  

Data lock 10

The employer stopped payments for this apprentice.

You should only stop an apprenticeship when the apprentice has completely withdrawn from their apprenticeship. If you have a data lock 10 after an apprentice has withdrawn, check that the training provider has updated the completion status on the ILR.

If the employer stopped the apprenticeship by accident:

Levy employers - you will need to start a new apprenticeship record and backdate the stopped record to its start date.

Non-levy employers - you will need to create a new reservation, from the current month.

Data lock 11

The employer does not pay the levy.

What happens next

Check that the:

  • training provider has correctly recorded the employer as either levy or non-levy on the ILR
  • employer does not have an issue with their levy balance in their apprenticeship service account 

The employer should contact HM Revenue and Customs if there’s an issue with their levy balance. 

Contact us if the apprenticeship started after the employer declared the levy.

Data lock 12

The employer paused payments for this apprentice.

You should only pause an apprenticeship when the apprentice takes a temporary break in learning.

What happens next

The employer can start payments again if they should not have paused the apprenticeship by removing the pause date in the apprenticeship service.

If you have a data lock 12 after the employer paused the apprenticeship, check that the training provider has updated the completion status on the ILR.



Training providers: TNPs and break in learning (

Training providers: Understanding your payment reports(SLDs) (

Training providers: Data locks (DLOCKS) (



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