Apprenticeship service account

EmployerThis article sits within the Employer section

All employers need to create an apprenticeship service account via Gov.UK sign in to get funding to pay for apprenticeship training and assessment costs. They can either create an account straight away or add their organisation’s details, PAYE scheme and sign the agreement later. 

Employers with an annual pay bill over £3 million must add a PAYE scheme to: 

  • get apprenticeship funding 
  • view financial transactions
  • create an apprenticeship advert 
  • agree a training commitment with a training provider 

Employers with an annual pay bill under £3 million must either add a PAYE scheme or their accounts office reference number. These employers will also be able to reserve funding for apprenticeships. 

Employers cannot access these services in their account until they add their accounts office reference number or PAYE scheme, submit payroll data to HMRC (this can be a blank return) and advise HMRC of the intention to hire an apprentice.  They must then allow a period of 10 days to elapse. They can then sign the employer agreement and access all of the account functions. 


Change your organisation’s details 

Employers can change their organisation’s name and address in the ‘your organisations and agreements’ section of their apprenticeship service account. 

Before they change their organisation’s details, they must update them with Companies House or the Charity Commission. 

Change your personal details 

In the settings section the user can: 

  • rename their account
  • change their password and email address
  • change their notification settings 
  • add new organisation’s to their account 


When a user needs to complete a task in their apprenticeship service account, we’ll send them a notification. They can also choose to get email notifications. 

We will notify the user when they need to: 

  • approve a cohort 
  • sign an agreement 
  • declare the levy 
  • add apprentices 
  • review changes 
  • review connection or transfer requests 

Record tasks 

We record when users complete a task in the apprenticeship service so that the account owner can keep track of any changes. We record: 

  • the task 
  • when the task was completed 
  • who completed the task 


Last updated on

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