Set up an employer account

Training providerThis article sits within the Training provider section

If an employer is new to the Apprenticeship Service, you can set up an employer account for them.

How it works 

  1. Get permission from the employer to set up their new account.
  2. Get the email address your employer wants to use for their account, their employer PAYE reference and their Accounts Office reference (we need this information to match to HMRC records)
  3. Select ‘Add an employer’ from your account homepage.
  4. Enter the email address of your contact at the employer
  5. Enter the employer’s PAYE reference and Accounts Office reference
  6. Check the details you’ve added are correct, and make sure the permissions you’re requesting are the ones you confirmed with the employer. You can change them by selecting ‘Change permissions’
  7. Once you’ve confirmed, we’ll email the employer with a unique link
  8. The employer needs to select the link, confirm the details you added and accept their employer agreement
  9. You can view pending requests to employers from the ‘View employers and manage permissions’ page of your account. 

The employer must select the unique link in the email we send them to see your invite. If the employer creates an account separately it will still show as a pending request in your account, but your request will expire and be removed after 14 days.


Last updated on

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