Set up an employer account

Training providerThis article sits within the Training provider section

If the employer is new to the apprenticeship service, you can set up an employer account and invite them to it. Make sure you have the employer’s permission before you set up their account. 

How it works 

  1. Get permission from the employer to set up their new account.
  2. Select ‘set up an employer account’ from your account homepage.
  3. Enter the organisation’s name, also the employer’s full name and email address (we’ll send a unique link to the employer’s email address, to confirm the account).
  4. The employer needs to select the link and continue setting up their account. They can then set your provider permissions. 
  5. You can ‘view invited employers’ and the status of the invitation from your account homepage. 

The employer must select the unique link in the email we send them to see your invite. If the employer creates an account separately, the invitation status in your account will not change.

Invitation status

There are 4 different status types. These are:

  • invitation sent - when you’ve sent an invitation to the employer but they have not set up an account yet
  • account started - the employer selected the invitation link and has set up their password
  • PAYE scheme added - the employer added their PAYE scheme but still needs to accept the agreement
  • account created - the employer has set up their account and accepted the legal agreement



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