Change your contact details
EmployerThis article sits within the Employer sectionYou can change the following details in your apprenticeship service account:
- email address
- password
- account name (this will not change the name of your organisation)
- Legal entity name under ‘Your organisations and agreements’
You can also choose whether you want to receive email notifications when someone has made an update to a cohort or apprentice. This will not affect any service emails, such as password resets.
Change the account name
You can change the account name on the Apprenticeship Service by selecting from the top of the homepage:
Settings > Rename account
You are shown the current name and an option to update this to a new name. Changing this will not change the legal entity on the account.
Change the legal entity name
You can change your legal entity details which is under 'Your organisations and agreements'. You will need to first update either HMRC or Companies House, depending on how the legal entity was initially added. There are two routes to change your legal entity details:
- If you added the legal entity by adding your PAYE scheme alongside an Accounts Office Reference Number, then you will need to update your PAYE scheme details (PAYE name and address) with HMRC and wait 10 working days for the data to be transferred to us.
- If you added the legal entity using the Organisation search (which is mostly done for levy paying employers), then you will need to update Companies House and wait 10 working days for the data to be transferred to us.
After 10 working days, you can change the legal entity details within the Apprenticeship Service by:
- Selecting ‘Your organisations and agreements’,
- Find the legal entity that needs updating,
- Click into ‘View all agreements’
- Drop down the latest signed agreement,
- Underneath the Parties section and your organisation name and address, you should see a button for ‘Update these details’.
You should then be shown the latest organisation details that we hold from either Companies House or HMRC. You can then either confirm that the latest details are correct or reject these.
Please note that updating legal entity details will update apprenticeship records that are linked to these, and so your training provider(s) will see the updated name within their accounts.
Last updated on