Apprentice Exit Survey
EmployerThis article sits within the Employer sectionWe have launched a new service to allow apprentices to provide feedback if they leave their apprenticeship early. This information will be gathered and used to improve the apprenticeship programme and support future apprentices.
The survey
We will email the apprentice directly, asking them to complete a short survey.
They will be presented with 4 questions with multiple choice answers.
1. Where are you with your apprenticeship?
Please select one answer that is most relevant to you.
- I am currently doing my apprenticeship
- I have done my apprenticeship but I am waiting to do my end-point assessment
- I have passed my end-point assessment
- I am waiting for my employer to appoint me a new training provider
- I have left my apprenticeship
2. Did any of the following factors contribute to you not finishing the apprenticeship?
Please select any answers that are relevant to you.
My personal circumstances
- I didn't enjoy the apprenticeship
- I experienced discrimination or poor behaviour
- I had caring responsibilities
- I had family or relationship issues
- I had financial issues
- I had mental health issues
- I had physical health issues
- I was offered another job
- Other personal circumstances
My employer
- The job was not what I expected
- The job was too difficult
- The salary was not high enough
- They did not offer reasonable adjustments
- They did not offer suitable training on the job
- They ended my employment
- They transferred me to another apprenticeship
- They were not supportive enough
- Other issues with my employer
My training provider
- The training was of poor quality
- The training was not relevant to the job role
- The training was too difficult
- The training was too repetitive
- The training took up too much time
- They did not offer me reasonable adjustments
- They stopped delivering apprenticeships
- They ended my apprenticeship
- They were not supportive enough
- I had problems with the end-point assessment
- Other issues with my training provider
3. Which of the following factors was the main reason why you did not finish your apprenticeship?
( Plays back the answers from question 2, apprentice to select one )
4. Would any of the following have made you more likely to stay on the apprenticeship?
Please select any of the answers that are relevant to you.
- A higher salary
- A mentor or learning coach
- Being able to skip repeat training
- Better training from my employer
- Better training from my training provider
- More support from my employer
- More support from my training provider
- More information on the end-point assessment process
- More time to undertake learning and training with my training provider
- Outside support to tackle discrimination or other problems
- Reasonable adjustments from my employer
- Reasonable adjustments from my training provider, or
- None of these would have made me stay
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