Register for an apprenticeship service account

EmployerThis article sits within the Employer section


Create your Apprenticeship Service Account

This information is for employers who want to create their apprenticeship service account themselves. View our help article on how a training provider can set up an employer account.

You will be asked to sign in with a Gov.UK One login. If you don’t have a Gov.Uk One login, you will be able to Create your GOV.UK One Login. You must use a Gov.UK One Login that is linked to an email address you use for work.

There are 3 steps you must complete before registering:

  • register with HMRC and receive your PAYE number 
  • submit your first payroll data to HMRC advising them of your intention to take on an apprentice 
  • wait 10 working days for the information to transfer from HMRC to us

 Only when all 3 actions have been completed can you register for an Apprenticeship Service account. 

Government Gateway details

You’ll need the sign in details for your organisation’s Government Gateway account (or you can use the accounts office reference and employer PAYE scheme reference if your annual pay bill is less than £3 million). 

Your Government Gateway user ID is up to 12 characters long. His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) sent it to you by email when your Government Gateway Account was set up. If you lose or forget your password, you can reset them online.

You can find your PAYE reference on the letter HMRC sent you when you first registered as an employer. The Employer PAYE reference is 11 characters long and the Accounts Office Reference is 13 characters long.

Setting up your Employer account

We will ask you to complete the following:

  • add your user details
  • add your organisation and PAYE scheme
  • confirm your account name
  • accept the employer agreement
  • add a training provider

If you have more than one PAYE scheme that you want to add to your account, you can do this once you have registered for your Apprenticeship service account. You can link your account with as many organisations as you like. You can also give your employees different levels of access. You can also choose different training providers to train your apprentices.

As an employer, you can use your account to: 

  • accept your DfE employer agreement 
  • add your organisations contracting with training providers 
  • invite your employees to join the account 
  • add apprentices (you can also ask your training provider to do this for you)
  • search for apprenticeships and approved training providers 
  • manage and view your transactions 
  • receive a transfer from a levy-paying employer 

As an apprenticeship-levy paying employer you can also use the account to: 

  • add PAYE schemes to make sure you receive levy funds for training
  • transfer unused annual funds to other employers 

If your annual pay bill is less than £3 million, you can also use the account to: 

  • reserve funds and add apprentices (you can also ask your training provider to do this for you)  
  • find a transfer funds available


Last updated on

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